Laurent Maugoust & Cécile Chenais
Photos : Fabrice Gousset
Blanc Carrare has teamed up with Laurent Maugoust and Cécile Chenais for the birth of two unique pieces in red onyx and travertine osso.
It was during one of her many sourcing trips to Italy that Jacqueline Lestingi-Faure discovered this block of red onyx in the courtyard of a marble maker in Carrara. This exceptional block of Iranian origin has a natural crust that was formed during its stay underground for millions of years.
Blanc Carrare challenged Laurent Maugoust to create a unique piece with this exceptional block.
This piece also tells the story of two geological origins. Indeed, onyx and travertine need the same conditions to form. Ancient deposits of hot water are at the origin of the birth of these two stones that were formed over the millennia thousands of miles apart. The travertine osso comes from central Italy, the onyx from the mountains of Persia.
The imagination and creativity of Laurent Maugoust and Cécile Chenais combined with the know-how of the Men of Blanc Carrare have given birth to these exceptional pieces.
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